Image manipulation: Why it’s a problem and what we can do about it
Tools used to manipulate images are more readily available than ever, and that can be an issue in terms of what makes something trustworthy. Learn more >
By Liam Machin|2024-04-30T12:55:23+00:0030/04/2024|
Tools used to manipulate images are more readily available than ever, and that can be an issue in terms of what makes something trustworthy. Learn more >
By Liam Machin|2023-12-01T09:49:36+00:0028/11/2023|
The amount of content posted online each day can make it hard to understand whether what we're looking at is quite as it appears. Learn more >
By Pete Townshend|2022-10-19T16:36:36+00:0018/10/2022|
AI image generators have exploded in popularity. But how exactly do they work? And why are some people raising concerns about their usage? Generating Learn more >
By Pete Townshend|2022-10-13T11:34:21+00:0023/09/2022|
Here’s our rundown of the five biggest fines issued under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) GDPR was implemented in 2018 with Learn more >