As the year draws to a close, we take a look at what everyone has been reading on the blog

It’s been another busy year over on our blog.

Over the past 12 months, we’ve covered everything from AI image generators and smart glasses to the ways in which brands ought to use user-generated content and Google dragging its feet over the phasing out of third-party cookies.

But which articles have resonated the most? Here, in descending order of popularity, are our 10 most-read articles of the year.

1. Google Topics API: Everything you need to know

Back in February, Google announced its Topics API as a replacement for FLoC, which could potentially power its digital ad offering. In this article, we take a closer look at exactly what Topics is, why Google abandoned FLoC, and whether it looks likely to succeed. Read the article

2. Can you post photos of others on social media?

You’d think that sharing a photo of someone else on social media would be straightforward. Most of us do it all the time without thinking twice about it. But different platforms have different rules, as our article explains. Read the article

3. Browser fingerprinting: Everything you need to know

A subject that’s receiving increasing attention as third-party cookies are retired, browser fingerprinting describes the process of collecting information about a user from the specific hardware and software they use. It can be used for good – for example, fraud prevention – but it can also be abused by bad actors, such as for ad targeting. Want to learn more? Our guide explains all the essentials. Read the article

4. 8K resolution: What it is and whether it’s worth it

8K is now fast becoming standard in smartphones and appears in many cameras too, while televisions and other displays that support the resolution are also coming down in price. We take a deep dive into what it is and whether you need it. Read the article

5. Common aspect ratios in photography and video

The difference between aspect ratios across different types of recording and display devices often creates headaches. Our guide takes a closer look at why there is no universal standard for images or videos, and what all those numbers mean. Read the article

6. Decision intelligence: How AI is using big data to guide big business

Decision Intelligence (DI) is a term used to describe the process of fusing AI with available data to help make predictions, recommendations, and decisions. In this article, we take a closer look at what it all means and how businesses are using it. Read the article

7. Attention metrics: What they are and why you should use them

Performance metrics don’t tend to change too frequently, but concerns over the accuracy of some of them has led to a rise in interest in measuring attention. We take a look at how this can be measured and what advantages it may bring over longstanding performance metrics. Read the article

8. 2022 ad tech trends: What are we likely to see?

At the start of the year, we predicted the ad tech landscape would be dominated by the shift to contextual targeting and a stronger focus on attention metrics among other things. But overall, just how clear was our crystal ball? Find out. Read the article

9. Image streaming: How it works and why you need it

The core of the SmartFrame platform, image streaming brings security, monetization, and fresh analytics to online image publishing. In this article, we explain how it actually works and the full range of benefits it delivers to its users. Read the article

10. 16K resolution: Everything you need to know

8K may be settling into the consumer marketplace, but devices that support the 16K standard may not be that far behind. In this article, we take a look at where the technology currently is and what the future looks like. Read the article



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