It’s possible for SmartFrames to be embedded on both your home site(s) and any other sites you administer, and on external sites by others. The Attribution feature helps to retain your brand’s visibility and the content creator’s identity when your SmartFrames are embedded away from your own sites.
This feature appears at the bottom of SmartFrames embedded on these external sites, and it takes the place of the Caption whenever the viewer’s cursor is not inside the SmartFrame itself. As soon as the viewer’s cursor enters the SmartFrame, the Caption is displayed and the Attribution disappears.
How do I change these details?
The specific details shown here can be defined in the Attribution section, which is found on the left-hand-side panel in every Theme. You can populate this field with metadata you have specified, and you are able to add links to this if you require. Basic styling options are also available.
Do I need to use the Attribution feature?
The Attribution feature is optional. You can enable and disable it by selecting the slider next to ‘Add an Attribution’ on the Attribution page.