Multiple ad formats

Contextual targeting, optimal placement and a range of ad formats mean your ads get seen by the right audiences

Multiple ad formats

Contextual targeting, optimal placement and a range of ad formats mean your ads get seen by the right audiences

Multiple ad formats

Contextual targeting, optimal placement and a range of ad formats mean your ads get seen by the right audiences

Responsive rich media

Our ads blend high-quality creatives with a number of additional elements, such as videos, polls, galleries and sharing options, and all of these cover the entire image area. By utilizing our high-impact ad unit, you can engage the user and increase interactions with your campaigns. Download ad specifications

Outstream video

By blending video ads with the SmartFrame itself, we create a seamless flow of content within the article. Not only does this result in a better user experience, but it also gives you a greater canvas for displaying your video ads. Download ad specifications

Standard display

We match the best IAB Standard formats to fit the SmartFrame size depending on the device on which it’s viewed, providing a full-image-sized ad display. Delivering your standard display ads with SmartFrame means your ads are in the prime position of a publisher’s feed.


Native ads combine the power of an image or video with your choice of headline, which strengthens your campaign’s message and makes your call to action as clear and effective as possible.

Want to tap into our interactive image network and boost your advertising campaigns? Get in touch with us today.

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Want to tap into our interactive image network and boost your advertising campaigns? Get in touch with us today.

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Want to tap into our interactive image network and boost your advertising campaigns? Get in touch with us today.

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